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A Photo a Day
a daily photo journal.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
day 90
a fun black and white, it's so forgiving. sort of makes me look good.
Day 89
lovely view from the deck. Melting snow...
Day 88
We only got 4 inches
Day 87 -Lemony!
yeah- I'm into fruit.
day 87
eating cookies...
day 86
day 85
it doesnt look like a pottery barn catolog or anything, but they like it when i let them choose what to put up.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
day 84
dumb self portrait - no, i am not storing nuts in my cheeks.
day 83
looking all serious.
day 82
syd got bangs.
day 81
he's freakin cute
day 80
she's getting big!
Friday, March 20, 2009
day 79- first day of spring!!
day 78
i thought this umbrella was sort of retro.
day 77
graffiti !
day 76
my room is boring.
day 75
mini golf!
Monday, March 16, 2009
day 74
sydney looking for bison.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
day 73
that's my big boy.
day 72
finley's happy dance
Thursday, March 12, 2009
day 71
she just keeps getting prettier.
day 70
old hair color.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
day 69
no more gray!
Day 68
finley is freakin cute.
Day 67
a rosebud.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Day 66
finally a nice day...
Friday, March 6, 2009
Day 65
Jack in the squishy grass.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
day 64
I got jack some new shoes. I hope he'll let me put them on his feet. He hates shoes.
Day 63
My birthday cupcakes.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
day 62
i need to get out more.
Day 61
this is a happy meal toy. it's the first thing she grabbed when we brought her home. so much for spending ridiculous amounts of money on chew toys at petsmart.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Day 60
Here is a better pic of her. She looks like she has a lazy eye in this one. : )
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About Me
rachel b
Mama, Photographer, Artist, Coffee Drinker. I keep other blogs besides this one. You can Google me if you feel like it. : )
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Blog Archive
day 90
Day 89
Day 88
Day 87 -Lemony!
day 87
day 86
day 85
day 84
day 83
day 82
day 81
day 80
day 79- first day of spring!!
day 78
day 77
day 76
day 75
day 74
day 73
day 72
day 71
day 70
day 69
Day 68
Day 67
Day 66
Day 65
day 64
Day 63
day 62
Day 61
Day 60