Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 143

I'm glad I don't collect things like salt and pepper shakers shaped like corn.

Day 142

She sleeps where I sit.

Day 141

Here is Jamiroquai - er- I mean Fifi laying on my feet in the kitchen.

Day 140

Never underestimate the power of a fork that is stuck in the dishwasher rack. It can, and will, punch a hole in your thumb.

Day 139

Jack sitting in Daddy's jeep. With super cool shades on his head.

Day 138

Fin on the swings.

Day 137

I like pastel dishes.

Day 136

Local Honey! Yummy!

Day 135

I like vintage tins. You'll be happy to know I did not buy one.

Monday, May 25, 2009

day 134

an owl at goodwill. I didn't buy it- but I wanted to!!

day 133

my attempt at nice looking living room decor.

Day 132

the goodwill by my house has arranged all of the clothes by color.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 131

Check out Miss Attitude.

Day 130

I love Fifi's ears. I swear she looks like a golden retriever.

Day 129

ahhh the kids toys... sometimes i just have to photograph them.

Day 128

a fun angle. me, fin and floyd hanging out in the living room.

Day 127

mmmm strawberries...

Day 126

Our neighbors just moved back from Belgium. they gave us these Belgian waffles. they were so good. they tasted like sugar cookies.

Day 125

I totally want a tree like this in my yard.

Day 124

Hello Mr. Iguana.

Day 123

The bricks from the main building at glen oak park. I could stand there all day reading those things. Some of the signatures are from the 1800s.

day 122

Jack was trying really hard to blow on this dandelion.

Day 121

a lovely tree on the golf course.

Day 120

A small glimpse into my messiness.

Day 119

A sleepy afternoon.